Donations to DevilsRule.com
DevilsRule.com has always been free to visitors, and I have
every intention of it remaining that way. However, there are costs
involved in running this site. Web hosting & domain renewal fees
are the primary direct expenses, running several hundred dollars per
I think we all hate advertisements all over web sites..
However, since I run this site without any revenue-generating ads, the
money for these expenses comes right out of my own pocket.
If you would like to make a donation of any amount (every
little bit helps) to help defray the costs of developing, maintaining, and
hosting the site, I would certainly appreciate it. I can take a credit
card donation through PayPal.
You can also send a donation by money order, cash, or check to (please include
a note that your donation is for DevilsRule.com):
Bill Grunfelder
P.O. Box 351
Mahwah, NJ 07430-0351
If you have any questions about donating, please
Contact me via Email.
You can also support the site by 'advertising' to other fans (please do not
spam though). If you have your own website, you can link to
DevilsRule.com to help get the word out. You can use this banner image if
you'd like:
